Electrophysiological in vivo recordings to study the link between memory and addiction

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Anbieter der Doktorarbeit

Klinik / Institut / Zentrum Neurologische Klinik - Klinische Neurobiologie
Doktorvater / -mutter Dr. Schlesiger
Ansprechpartner Dr. Schlesiger
Kontakt (E-Mail-Adresse) m.schlesiger@dkfz-heidelberg.de

Beschreibung der Arbeit

Art der Arbeit
Thema der Promotion Electrophysiological in vivo recordings to study the link between memory and addiction
Voraussichtliche Dauer (in Monaten) 15-18
davon in Vollzeit (in Monaten) 18
Startzeitpunkt flexibel

In vivo electrophysiologische Ableitungen in Mäusen, Optogenetic, Chemogentic, konfukal Mikroskopie, Erinnerungsverhalten, Suchtverhalten, Histologie, Datenanalyse (Matlab, R), KI zur Datenanalyse (deep labcut)


The projects aim to investigate how the formation of long-term memories is altered by the addiction to drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine. Specifically, we will investigate how input from a key component of the brain’s reward system, mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons, influences neuronal network activity in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex at different stages of long-term memory formation and after the repeated use of addictive substances. We will use sophisticated electrophysiological in vivo recordings from large ensembles of neurons in mice performing memory tasks. These methods will be combined with optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulations of genetically-defined cell types and pathways, to decipher the neuronal circuits making the link between addiction and memory.


Strukturierte Betreuung



The described projects are built on an experimental component that includes stereotaxic surgeries, electrophysiological recordings, and the training of mice in various memory tasks. In addition, a willingness to develop good programming skills is of advantage. You are a very good candidate if you have a talent for the experimental or the analytical component, and if you are willing to work in a team of students that combine these skills.

Finanzielle Unterstützung

Hiwi job (510 Euro)






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