Understanding and targetting factors regulating inflammation driven cardiac fibrosis.

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Anbieter der Doktorarbeit

Klinik / Institut / Zentrum Innere Medizin - Kardiologie, Angiologie u. Pneumologie
Doktorvater / -mutter Prof. Norbert Frey
Ansprechpartner Dr. Manju Kumari
Kontakt (E-Mail-Adresse) manju.kumari@med.uni-heidelberg.de

Beschreibung der Arbeit

Art der Arbeit
Thema der Promotion Understanding and targetting factors regulating inflammation driven cardiac fibrosis.
Voraussichtliche Dauer (in Monaten) 15-18
davon in Vollzeit (in Monaten) 12
Startzeitpunkt As per discussion

The study involves handling rodent transgenic models of cardiac dysfunction. Physiological function involves Echocardiography, glucose/lipid tolerance tests, blood collection and organ harvest. My team encourages learning molecular biology techniques in mouse and human cell-lines, immunofluorescence, cell sorting, Western blotting, histology, ELISA and Seahorse assay and work in a cooperative environmen with the peers.


Treatment of cardiac dysfunction in patients is limited by our knowledge in cellular cross-talk. In this project we aim to understand the altered cellular organelle function, what factors mediates this processes that leads to the progression and pathogenesis of heart failure. In addition, using our transgenic models, we will also target and validate these factors. For more info visit our lab webpage https://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/zentrum-fuer-innere-medizin-medizin-klinik/innere-medizin-iii-kardiologie-angiologie-und-pneumologie/forschung/forschung/arbeitsgruppen/cardiac-immunometabolism


Strukturierte Betreuung

A continuous and direct supervision with potential to bring novel findings presents a great opportunity for career development. The project involves research experience with transgenic cardiac disease models, human patient samples and hiPSCs. Apart from S´structured MD thesis, students will be involved in regular lab meetings, attending and presenting at national and international conferences to ehnance their intellectual and research communication skills.


High motivation, enthusiasm for research and willingness to work with primary cells as well as rodent disease model.

Finanzielle Unterstützung

The student can be financial supported by a doctoral scholarship (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research, the German Society of Cardiology, German Heart Foundation, etc.) which is often successful. Additionally, appication to the Cardiology Career Program (CCP) of the Clinic for Cardiology, Angiology and Pneumology (Prof. Dr. Norbert Frey) is possible.


We anticipate atleast one first author and other co-author publications given successful implemention of the experiments. Definitely the committment and contribution is rewarded fairly in our research team.


Apart from studying disease patholoy in vivo, the student is encouraged to involve in molecular biology and cell biology to fulfill the project objectives. More info can be obtained in personal discussion.


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