Microbiota metabolites to enhance immunogenecity of hepatobiliary tumors

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Anbieter der Doktorarbeit

Klinik / Institut / Zentrum Externe Einrichtungen - DKFZ
Doktorvater / -mutter Prof. Dr. Dirk Jäger
Ansprechpartner Maria Paula Roberti
Kontakt (E-Mail-Adresse) mariapaula.roberti@nct-heidelberg.de

Beschreibung der Arbeit

Art der Arbeit
Thema der Promotion Microbiota metabolites to enhance immunogenecity of hepatobiliary tumors
Voraussichtliche Dauer (in Monaten) 15-18
davon in Vollzeit (in Monaten) 9
Startzeitpunkt September 2024

Cutting-edge immunological techniques, including multiparametric cytometry, ELISA, single-cell RNA sequencing, and multicolor IHC.


In our 2018 and 2023 publications in Science, we elucidated the profound influence of the gut microbiome on the human immune system, which in turn dictates the efficacy of cancer immunotherapies. This project aims to enhance the immunogenicity of hepatobiliary tumor cells through epigenetic modulation. The ultimate objective is to enable the immune system, after being primed with checkpoint blockade, to more effectively recognize and target these tumor cells.


Strukturierte Betreuung

t has proven advantageous to commence part-time work alongside medical studies to acclimate to the research group and methodologies, thereby enabling the full-time part to be maximally effective. The work is structured into a 9-12 month roll-in period alongside medical studies, followed by a 9-12 month full-time benchwork phase. Regular lab seminars are held, providing a platform for discussing the project. Attendance and presentation at a conference are planned and will be fully funded.


Interest in translational research and laboratory work. Ability to work independently and reliably. A leave of absence semester (Freisemester) is required. The doctoral thesis is intended for colleagues pursuing a scientific career.

Finanzielle Unterstützung

Most of our doctoral candidates have a jointly applied scholarship (e.g., DGHO), which positively impacts their CV. If this is not possible or successfull, a research assistant position (30 hours/month) will be arranged.


Co-authorship in multiple publications, with shared first authorship in the main work given strong motivation.


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