Malprocessing of salience and valence via thalamolimbic plasticity in chronic pain

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Anbieter der Doktorarbeit

Klinik / Institut / Zentrum Anatomie und Zellbiologie - Funktionelle Neuroanatomie
Doktorvater / -mutter Prof. Dr. Thomas Kuner
Ansprechpartner Dr. med. Sebastian Wieland
Kontakt (E-Mail-Adresse)

Beschreibung der Arbeit

Art der Arbeit
Thema der Promotion Malprocessing of salience and valence via thalamolimbic plasticity in chronic pain
Voraussichtliche Dauer (in Monaten) 15-18
davon in Vollzeit (in Monaten) 18
Startzeitpunkt as of now

We use a broad range of neurobiological methods from cells to circuits and complex behavioral analyses. The candidate will learn classical conditioning methods in combination with fiber photometric or miniendoscopic imaging techniques to record in-vivo activity of genetically or anatomically defined neural circuits in awake animals. Additionally, the candidate will use stereotaxic surgeries with viral injections, opto-/chemogenetics and (optional) in-vitro patch-clamp electrophysiology.


Comorbid anxiety and depression worsens the disease burden of chronic pain patients strongly as pain patients avoid rewarding activities both upon depressive anhedonia and fear of pain. Our preliminary data shows that anticipatory malprocessing in thalamolimbic circuits reduces the drive to obtain rewards. In this project, we want to understand the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of the malprocessing of salience and valence under chronic pain conditions.


Strukturierte Betreuung

The applicant participates in weekly group seminars and journal clubs. SFB 1158 supports scientific exchange of young scientists in retreats, congresses, summer schools. We are well interconnected within the SFB and also within other working groups.


An animal course is mandatory and can be acquired via our group. All technical knowledge can be acquired in our lab.

Finanzielle Unterstützung

We support and recommend to apply for a fellowship. We aim to support the applicant with a HIWI salary.


Our goal is to publish in high-rank journals. First authorships are possible, but depend on the contribution and commitment of the applicant, of course.


The project and my group is embedded in an internationally leading pain research consortium SFB1158: Further information about my group:


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